Self-care Needs Plan

Your self-care practice is for your mind, body, and soul but what you need to take care of yourself will change throughout your lifetime. If your self-care practice feels overwhelming, unfulfilling and/or stressful, take some time and process your needs. Below is a Self-care Needs Plan that you can use to check in with yourself and update your self-care activities, routines, and practices.

Instructions: In each section, write down some self-care activities that you need to take care of yourself for each type of self-care. If you need support with this, read the Six Ways to Take Care of Yourself for examples of specific self-care activities.

Here is a printable version [PDF]: Self-care Needs Plan

The Heart Advocate facilitates self-love workshops, including “Self-care Matters” where your group, staff, or team can learn more about what self-care means, it’s importance, and how to prioritize it. For more information, visit CONTACT.

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