50 Body Love Self-Care Tips for Beginners

I have been actively incorporating self-care activities into my daily routine. It is not always easy to make the time for myself with my busy schedule. Trying to balance #momlife, work, and building my brand keeps me very busy. In order for me to give my best to my daughter, my family + friends, my clients and my followers, I have to make time for taking care of my physical and mental self.

Making time for myself seems impossible most of the time, but by slowly incorporating small self-care activities into my daily routine, I have found ways to help myself relax and prioritize my physical + mental health. When I make the time for physical self-care, even if it is only for 15 minutes within a day, I feel better because I did something for just me and my body.

physical self-care Tips

Showing my body love through physical self-care is about giving my body what it needs. Nourishment, relaxation, rest, and activity are priorities for me in my physical self-care. I am a firm believer that in order for anything to become habitual, you have to start slow and take minor steps to reach your massive goals.

For those of you who are unsure of how to begin to enhance your self-love journey by incorporating self-care and body love activities into your daily routine, here are 50 self-care and body-love tips that can guide your new journey:

1. Take a Detox Bath 

Ingredients: Epsom Salt, Baking Soda, Lavender Oil

How To: Begin to fill tub with water that is as hot as you can stand it. While tub is filling up, add 1 cup of Espom Salt, 2 cups of Baking Soda, and 10 drops of Lavender Oil (you can substitute the Lavender Oil with Espom Salt with Lavender in it). Mix the ingredients in the bath water. Soak for at least 1 hour.

2. Light Aromatherapy Candles

3. Try a new food

4. Do deep breathing exercises (to view my favorite deep breathing exercise, read my article The 4-7-8 (Relaxing) Deep Breathing Exercise)

5. Take a walk outside and enjoy nature

6. Create a Self-care Vision Board as provided by Jesalyn Eatchel, LCSW

7. Light White Sage – Aromatherapy

8. Soak in the Sun

Vitamin D is a mood enhancer and its amazing for the skin (in moderation) so get outside, use SPF and soak in the sun.

9. Stretch Your Body for 10-15 minutes a day

According to Joshua Wortman, Bodybuilding, Supplements, Nutrition, and Strength Training Coach, in an article by Breaking Muscle,

“Stretching a total of six times per week, whether it be every day stretching or stretching twice daily on fewer days. And remember, in this study, participants only stretched one minute per leg total each session!”

Joshua Wortman

10. Listen/Dance to Calming Music

Johnnie Lawson – Relaxing Nature Sounds “The calming sounds of nature help insomnia suffers as a sleep aid, they help concentration for study and relaxing.”

11. Elevate your legs 6-12 inches above the heart (lay flat on the floor with your legs up and against the wall, sit in a chair with your legs elevated, prop your legs up on a pillow in bed)

According to the Vein Institute, when you elevate your legs:

…you’ll notice, feels good immediately. It takes the pressure off your leg veins first and foremost, encouraging the blood to flow out of your leg veins emptying them, and undoes the pressure of the day by giving your veins a break for a few hours as blood flow moves away from the legs and courses through the rest of your body.

Vein Institute

12. Put your hand on your heart – be connected with your body

13. Meditate for 5-30 minutes


15. Put on some music and DANCE

16. LOG OFF! Turn your phone off for 1 hour a day

17. Go swimming.

18. Make music (you do not have to be a musician to make music – use boxes, pot & pans, spoons, your body, etc.)

19. Paint

20. Rest

You do not have to be sleeping to rest. Just be. Don’t do anything; put your phone down and rest your mind and muscles.

21. Drink more water

Add fruits and veggies for taste and other health benefits; my favorite is cucumber water with lime, lemons, or both

22. Ride a bike

23. Go to the park and play like a child (swing on the swings, slide down the slide, play on the monkey bars, etc.)

24. Climb a Tree

25. Touch your body

Physical touch is so powerful and it does not have to be sexual but it is sensual. How often do you caress or just feel your body? Follow Ev’Yan Whitney to learn more about sensuality and to join her #sensualselfiechallenge

26. Go Hiking

27. Lift weights

28. Take a long hot shower

29. Go Running

30. Read a book or some poetry

31. Take a fitness class

32. Try to Eat Clean for 1 meal every day

33. Give Yourself a Hug

34. Get a Massage

35. Put together a puzzle

Puzzles are great way to challenge your brain. Physical exercise is just as important as mental exercises.

36. Mini-golf

37. Drink Tea

39. Try Skateboarding

40. Practice Yoga

41. Laugh out loud

According to Geek Swipe, here are the physical health benefits of laughter:

  • Muscles Get a Physical Workout
  • Blood Pressure Drops
  • Oxygen Intake increases
  • Suppresses Physical Pain
  • strengthens immune system
  • respiration improves
  • psychological wellness

42. Take a Nap

43. Go to the OBGYN once a year

44. Take the stairs instead of the elevator

45. Use Essential Oils

46. Use Feminine Hygiene products that are free of alcohol, dyes, and perfume

Check out this Cosmopolitan article, 9 Organic Pads Your Bathroom Cabinet Needs by CARINA HSIEH to learn about feminine hygiene pads that are toxin free.

47. Take Vitamins daily

48. Jump

49. Use Lavender – Great for Relaxation

50. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night

I hope these body love self-care tips assist you as you in your self-love journey. Self-love is not vanity and selfishness; it is including the 10 Branches of Self-love into your lifestyle every day, including active self-care.

© 2019, Ta’lor L. Pinkston, LADYHOOD journey

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